
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Abby's One! And A Little Walk Will Do me

Abby's ONE YEAR OLD today!  Oh my goodness!  (that OMG deserved to written out!)  She is the light of my life!  Amazing!  I'm so blessed!  And a shout out to her birthday sister, Ms Colleen!  Yah that Abby gets to share her day with such a wonderful person.

Now on to real life! :)

So the plan last night...take the mile-route.  I ended up doing the modified route because Abby went with me and I just feel so bad making her stare into the sun.  I'd say it was more like 2/3 mile, so still not bad.  We played outside when I got home, watered the yard, took a bath and then I thought, how about that bottle while Mom walks?  It went pretty good except she was way more interested in...well, everything...than relaxing and drinking her bottle.  Oh well, she went home smoothly and easily when we got home so it all turned out A-OK.

Also I was supposed to find my pedometer and start playing with that.  I did...and found that it's not working.  Not surprising.  It was cheap and I bought it years ago.  So I think I'll put one on my birthday list.

On another note, Dixie the Scooter is back at it!  I had decided to non-op the scooter last year because I just had no idea how life would be with Ms Abby and didn't want to pay to have it sit in the garage.  But life is great!  And would totally support me using less gas, taking up less room, and having a little fun on the ride to and from work.  So I sent in the registration yesterday and got insurance again.  Jason helped me pull out the battery and get it charging.  Maybe by Friday, I'll be riding to work instead of driving...  Here's to hoping! :)  Yah!  I can't wait!

Today's iVillage challenge is to dig out your bike and go for a ride.  We'll see...I HATE riding bikes--why would you do something voluntarily that hurts your butt SO BAD?  And besides, tonight is the family BBQ to celebrate Abby's birthday.  Way more fun than pulling down and cleaning up a modern form of torture.  But I do have one (thanks to Ms Ashlee's hand-me-downs) and I even bought a big-girl seat so maybe I'll pull it down this weekend and put that new seat on and at least give it another try.  For tonight, hopefully I can sneak in a walk after everyone leaves.

Tomorrow will be BUSY!  Stroller Strides...lunch with Mariah and year drs appointment for Ms club.  We will be tired tomorrow night! :)  But tired after a day with wonderful people and for sure feeling blessed and happy and healthy and loved.  Yah for friends and family!  I'm a HUGE fan!

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