
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Big Fan: Carrots

Except when I eat too many, like I did earlier today. You'd think, after this happening pretty much every time I overeat the yummy little bits of goodness, I'd remember that when I eat too many, I get a TERRIBLE stomach ache. Like my stomach aches. Ouch. Ugg.
Not feeling especially smart right now.
Will look up the serving size of mini carrots and stick to that amount.
Happy Thursday!

The Goal

Goal: to walk in the Thanksgiving 5K without wanting to die, rather than enjoy dinner, later that day.
I don't feel like this is unrealistic--I am pretty confident in my walking and can usually walk much longer and farther than I think I can. It's more like I want to keep up, I want to be able to chat and enjoy the day and I want to do so without being so out of breath, it's uncomfortable. I don't want to run--or I don't need to to feel successful--and really, at this point, running doesn't even sound appealing. I have no doubt that I am one of those "she shouldn't run" people. As much as I'd LOVE to be one of those people cruising along in their cute running shorts, I don't see it. Also, if I'm honest with myself, my knees wouldn't approve either. Maybe at a lesser weight but not now.
I decided I needed a plan so I looked up the Couch-to-5K plan and printed that out. In reviewing it, there was talk about running and walking. Besides my lack of desire to run, I have Ms Abby with me and there is no such thing as running with the backpack on. So I kept looking. I found the Mayo Clinic 5K run: 7-week training schedule for beginners. Besides the word "run" in the title, it looks perfect. It talks about walk/run throughout the schedule and says only follow the "run" part if you're trying to incorporate running into your plan. For me, at this point, that's a no.
So yesterday I took a walk. 30 minutes with Ms Abby on my back and at a constant stroll. No heavy lifting, besides the Abby-ness, and stops here and there to let Ms Abby feel the leaves or see a random guy at the park flying an electric something. It was nice. I watched my time and weaved around randomly in order to get the full 30 minutes and ended the walk with a meeting of new neighbors and hellos to old ones and a chance meeting with an old buddy/neighbor and her mini biker. Yah! And Ms Abby did great in the backpack--she seems to like the cruising and TALKED THE WHOLE TIME! Cutest thing ever.
So today the schedule says: walk 30 minutes. I can do that...did it yesterday, right? Food-wise, it's payday, which means coffee day for my treat. Not a great choice--I'm not feeling fabulous and know I should have gone with a healthier choice. And tomorrow is weigh-in day...
So...brainstorm...what would be a better/healthier/cheaper payday treat?