- In the last five days, Abby and I have gone to two different pumpkin patches. We had so much fun out at Dave's in West Sac with our mom's group. And my mom got to come with us. And we spent a large chunk of time jumping on their huge jump balloon. Then yesterday Jason and I took Abby to Impossible Acres in Davis to fall in love with the cutest collection of baby animals ever. Two pumpkin patches and we did not bring home a single pumpkin. Ha! That kind of cracks me up.
- We got kale in our CSA box last week, right after mom and I planted two different kinds in our lettuce gardens. Because it's good for us but not because we love it. So last night Abby and I made kale chips. So good. Abby kept sneaking more off the plate, she liked it so much. The overwhelming winner was the olive oil and parmesan cheese mixture. So yummy. RECOMMEND!
- Jason and I get on these binges where we watch tv shows on Netflix. It's been some time since we've done it though, most recently trying Sherlock, which we loved but had a hard time getting through since they were so long. I can't remember how it happened but we started watching New Girl. And now we're melancholy because we finished season two and are all caught up. We're somewhat embarrassed about how much we miss it. But we also were reminded how much we like having a show to watch together. Next up...we're thinking Arrested Development.

Happy Monday friends!
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