So yesterday was the first day of the iVillage Get Moving Now challenge. I kind of forgot that I'd signed up for it but iVillage ALWAYS sucks me in. I don't know what it is...besides unexplainable...but if they put a challenge out there, I'm there to sign up. And I'm not the one who loves a good challenge. So what the heck?! Anyways, this one seemed healthy and...well...I don't know what else because there isn't even a prize or anything! And you can't measure your success with anything other than feeling more healthy. Like I said...iVillage SUCKS ME IN!
So it looks like they are splitting the challenge up into weeks. This week's theme: Outdoor Activities. The first assignment was to play in the dirt. Do some gardening. Get my hands dirty. Well...they didn't know who they were messing with, did they!
Last night Ms Abby and I went out back and while she played with her outside toys and pulling up all the watering tubing, I pulled weeds. For twenty minutes we did this. Abby was content in her reconstruction of what needed to be watered so I kept weeding. Until she was finished. :)
Then...get this...after she went to bed and I had dinner and Jason got home...I went for a walk. The tire on my stroller really needed to get fixed so yes, as I alluded to the possibility of yesterday, I went for a walk with an empty stroller. Hey--it's not as bad as the lady who pushes a Siberian Husky around in one over by my mom's. I wonder how many of those looks were people wondering if I knew the stroller was empty?
All in all, I'd say day one of the challenge was a success. I may feel healthy as a bonus but the really good parts: I got a good chunk of weeding done AND got the tire on the stroller fixed. Yah!
Today's challenge just came in... Pay attention to how many steps you take. I do have a pedometer...I'll have to track that down. They say to find a mile-long route (clock in your car if need be) and make a goal to walk that every day of the challenge. Well...on a good start there--I've done this and walked my route last night. far so good. :)
Happy Tuesday!
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